Monday, August 31, 2009

Should I do the Ultimate Body Challenge?

Over the course of several years doing the UBC, we've found that many people sit on the fence. They let time lapse trying to decide if they should or shouldn't do the program. Let's explore some of these reasons people have such a hard time, then I'll give my thoughts.

First, you ought to know just a little about the program. This program consists of 4 major components-

1. Nutrition. We teach you our philosophy of eating. Eating to win, I like to say! It's a way of eating for an athlete. Everyone wants shoulders and arms that have a nice chiseled look to them, thighs that don't touch, and a tight butt! It's the look of an athlete. To look like an athlete, you need to eat like one, and that's what we teach you how to do. We'll also do strength & flexibility testing on you as well as a body composition that tells you exactly how many carbs, protein and fat you ought to be eating a day. No, it's not some simple formula like the ones on the internet.

2. Cardio Training. Our cardio training is a program called Thai-Robics. It's a program that has proven successful since 1995. You've got to admit, anything that can last 15 years has got to be good, otherwise we wouldn't waste our time doing it. Believe me, we've had classes that were in and out within a week, and others have lasted a few months. Thai-Robics is just so unique and awesome that people keep the program alive and well.

3. Resistance Training. The program is called Sport Fusion. This program replaced another class that wasn't broken. It was sort of a risky move, but it was a hit! Not just a hit because it was popular, but because we were able to improve students percent body fat loss by 2% over the entire 10 weeks. The average body fat loss used to be 5 to 7 percent loss, now it's 7 to 10 percent with Sport Fusion! The program gives you the benefit of a total body, weight lifting workout, but with fun and explosive sport drills. You'll even get more cardio work in the class, unlike a typical weight lifting regimen.

4. Life Style Shift. We're going to teach you, if you need to be taught, that feeling healthy and looking your best is going to extend further than our workout floor. We're going to rub off on you and get you active everyday of your life.

Think about this for a moment. You may have a job that keeps you planted on your rear everyday. Essentially, 8 hours of your day is sitting. The time you spend standing on breaks or lunch is counter acted by your driving. Then you're on your back for 8 hours of sleep. That means 2/3 of your life is sedentary. Now, I'm willing to bet that you're just not motivated to do anything with that other 8 hours because you're tired after work. Isn't that funny, well not really, but seriously, you've been inactive for most of the day, you'd think that you'd have some more energy.

Anyhow, we explain how all this works and we get you fired up and leading an active lifestyle. Trust me, once you get that snow ball rolling down the hill, it really starts building momentum. There is a saying- Nothing Moves Until Something Happens.

Okay, so what are those things that keep people from making something happen-

1. Time commitment.
The program does require some time. We are going to ask you to invest 60 hours over the course of 10 weeks to create a healthly body so you feel and look great. Not everyone can do 60 hours. In fact, we have many that will do less, because they know it's the only way they'll either a) Get this type of awesome training. Or, b) With their work travels, it's just difficult to commit 100% so 70 or 80 percent is better than NO percent

Answer this-
Is 60 hours worth an extended life?
Is 60 hours worth enabling you to live more actively?
Is 60 hours worth setting an example for your kids?
Is the nutritional education worth passing on to the rest of your family?

2. "I want to get into shape before I do a program like this."
Here's my response- Nothing Moves Until Something Happens. I hear this a lot, and never see the person again! Seriously, you don't get educated before you go to school. You go to school to get educated. You join the UBC to get into shape. Sure, some people are in great shape when they're in the UBC. They're either former UBC'ers or they've heard it's a program that provides results. It gets the out of shape in shape, and the in shape in better shape!

3. Money.
Okay, I can feel peoples pain when it comes to lacking some green. When I first opened The Academy of World Taekwondo, I knew how to teach, but I hadn't a clue about business. In fact, we appeared to be super successful because we were busting at the seems, but I had little skills in business and were actually hurting. I remember being at a martial arts business conference when we first opened up and pulling out a credit card that was nearly maxed and dropping $2000 on a seminar I knew we had to be a part of. People might say, "Yeah, $2000 for a business is different." Maybe so, but does it matter when our gas was shut off prior to that, in the winter? My point is, there are certain things you know are right. For many people the UBC is right and the only thing stopping them is the cash. I'd like to remove that hardship from peoples life and make it easy to pay for the UBC.

We will make it easy for those who would like to not feel so impacted by the $299 tuition. We'll allow them to pay this down weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.

Those are the 3 main things we see that stops people who are wanting to do the UBC. Before I close this post, I just want to share some more of my thoughts. I try and live my life with no regrets. I occassionaly run into old college or high school friends who seem so depressed. I'll ask them what they're doing these days, and they'll say, "Oh, I'm working for 'so & so'. It's alright. It's not what I pictured myself doing, but oh well."

Hold the phone!!!

What do you mean "oh well"! If something isn't what you pictured doing, then do what you pictured doing. I have realized that "doing what you have pictured doing" is something that doesn't usually happen overnight. In fact, it sometimes takes time and discipline, lots of discipline. If you have no discipline, you'll lead an "oh well" life. Check out my liscence plate some time. You know what it says? DSIPLND. I came up with this as a reminder for me for where I have been, where I want to go, and what I want to teach my children.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fall Ultimate Body Challenge 2009

Guess what? It's UBC time. It's the UBC that shapes everyone up from slacking over the summer and get's them ready for holidays. This UBC is strategically placed for students to get back into a routine, now that school is starting. It's also strategically placed to finish right before the holidays. That way, when Thanksgiving rolls around, you feel good. You don't have guilt and you can enjoy the time with family and friends.
(Seriously, that was one of my most corny lines ever!)

The Ultimate Body Challenge is set to launch on Sept. 14th, for Boise and Eagle Students. Already, we have over 30 people on the waiting list. We have not allowed anyone to pay for this program to save a spot. It's strictly a waiting list at the moment.

In the next few days, we'll open the flood gates and begin officially enrolling students in the order that they were placed on the list.

Here is a conversation between me and a past UBC student just the other day on Facebook


I have been wanting to come to your classes again, but the doc says no. I had 2 knee surgeries on same knee this summer and i am still walking with a limp. I won a trip to Australia (be going in November). I need to get into shape, i am fat right now due to no activity all summer long (just got a cast off). I should be good to go in one month for your classes. I want to go everyday.

Hey man! So if you want to go everyday, does that mean we'll see you in the UBC? That starts Sept. 14th, so the timing is almost perfect!Good to hear from you.Duncan

I will do the UBC--as long as doc says its ok. I am pretty sure he will. the only way i know to lose weight and get in shape is your program.


If you're interested in getting on this waiting list. Don't wait! I know it's called a waiting list, and all, but you actually need to be on the list to get into the program:). Go to put your name on the form that floats on the screen. Don't worry, it doesn't commit you. It just holds a spot for you just in case you want in.

If you'd rather chat with someone, call Kendal at 381-0587 and she'll answer all your questions. While you've got her on the phone, ask her how she lost all her weight, and became an instructor.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587