Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Does King Solomon & The Ultimate Body Challenge Have in Common?

A couple days ago, I was at the Library. Since the main Library is closed on Sunday’s until after Labor Day, I was at the Hillcrest location. I have never been there, but liked the cozy feel. Unlike the main location with the kids stuff on the first floor, and adult stuff on the second floor, it gave it more of a Barnes & Noble feel, which is right up my alley.

Normally, I’m reading self help books on business, leadership, teamwork, entrepreneurship, marketing, fitness, and martial arts. Today was different! I went there and took the kids, to specifically find a fiction book. I feel it’s important to read fiction once in a while, especially if you’re always going 90 mph in the right hand lane (metaphorically speaking of course).

Since the selection was not nearly that of Barnes & Noble, I found myself picking up books that I had always skipped over. One book that has stared at me for years, but I had always looked past it, probably because of the title, was The Richest Man Who Ever Lived. To my surprise, this book spoke to me in the first few pages in a way that I could respect the author and be intrigued by the history of King Solomon.

I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t know who King Solomon was. Fortunately, I was at the library and could read up on this interesting person who took the thrown at the age of 12. Anyhow, long story short… the message that struck a chord with me was a statement in the book about everyone having all the qualities for success except diligence.

The author continues to explain that it is not human nature to be diligent. It’s human nature to “take the path of least resistance.” Are you familiar with a book called The Secret? The book sold millions upon millions just before the recession. The whole premise of the book is that you can have abundance, and all you have to do is think hard enough about it, and it will manifest itself.

The author of The Secret also tells you specifically to not create a plan for success, because your planning will just get in the way of the universe. I sometimes joke to people that the reason why we went into a recession is because everyone stopped working and began dreaming because they read The Secret. Get this… the author also tells you that you can eat anything you want... simply realign your thoughts and you will become lean and fit.

And, yes… that is my lead in to talk about the Ultimate Body Challenge (UBC). I too believe that we struggle to be diligent. Having the Ultimate Body is a “Challenge.” In fact, having HALF an Ultimate Body is a challenge. We are not afraid to tell people that our program is not for sissy’s [smile]. If you’re out of shape and fed up with how you look and ready to do something about it, our program may be what you’re looking for.

We enjoy training one type of person- someone that is driven. Or, as the author of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived says, “diligent.” It doesn’t matter if you’re in shape, out of shape, or somewhere in between, it’s the driven people that we are focused on and committed to.

The Ultimate Body Challenge is a killer program that works you out in an exciting manner, and gives you the nutritional skills to shed the unwanted fat, and reveal the sculpted muscle underneath. Here's the caveat... It requires diligence. Unfortunately, there are many pills, workout devices, and even workout programs that feed on the weakness of human nature- the need for an easy way there (path of least resistance). Unfortunately, millions of people are left discouraged because of clever marketing and a program weak in principle.

If you go the entire 10 weeks in our program, and didn't see any improvement, we will refund 100% of your investment. Even if you go 10 weeks and completely blow the nutritional aspect, our guarantee still stands. Granted, you'll see better results with the nutrition. We are that confident in the success rate of just the exercise portion alone!

To get started, you'll need to know a few things:

1. We need to know if you're serious, right away. If you doddle, we may not have a spot for you.

2. The program begins Sept. 13th at 6 pm, at our Boise location- 2475 Apple St. Suite 104 Boise, ID 83706

3. The program is $299, and that includes your manual, boxing gloves, jump rope, nutritional coaching for 10 weeks and 3 body compositions.

4. Call us today at 381-0587, and ask for Kendal, to reserve your spot. While you've got Kendal on the phone, ask her how the UBC changed her life.

See you soon!


Duncan Richardson

Chief Master Instructor

The Academy of World Taekwondo

Ph: 208.381.0587
