Friday, December 28, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

Like father, like son- it's a saying that's as old as the hills. Hopefully, it's no news for you if I say it's the same for like mother, like daughter, or like mother, like son, etc. Several years ago, Rachel and I took our first child to classes. Rachel and I were fed up with her- we couldn't potty train her, couldn't keep her in the back yard, and she would only drink out of the toilet! Of course, she was already 6 months old when we picked her from the pound, so she had some tough habits that needed to be broken. Jazz is her name and she is a Lab/Pointer, and yes, she is our oldest child.

Our first day of dog training was pretty basic. The instructor made it very clear that the dog is not the student... we are the students, and it's not dog training, it's people training. You see, the dog can only be taught so much, it's the human that needs to be taught how to lead. Hmmm, from that day forth, it occured to me- you don't change people, you change yourself.

Raise your hand if you want your child to grow up to be happy, healthy, and successful. Hey, I'm with you. There are some key elements that are going to lead to your child's development and I am going to challenge you in this upcoming new year to focus on them. I want you to take a good look at yourself and ask yourself if you are proud of you. Is it a painful question? Whether it is or isn't, your child is watching, mimicing, emulating, hearing, breathing every word, action, and emotion you utter. Do you have low self-esteem? You know what...? So will your child. Do you start projects and rarely finish them? You guessed it... so will your child.

Your child loves you to pieces. What an opportunity! Do you understand what that means? It means you are your child's superhero. It's not too late to do great things in life, as a matter fact, it's one of the best times to do it. You've got the most tentative audience rooting you on.

If you want your child to be a winner, don't start by working on them, start by working on you. In 2008, I challenge you to set goals for yourself. Set some goals that you can be proud of. Your child will grow up like you whether you like it or not. Here are some goals I recommend making in 2008:

Personal Goals
Goal- To lose 5% bodyfat in 10 weeks
Benefit- Live longer, look better, feel better, more stamina

Family Goals
Goal- Weekly date night with spouse only
Benefit- Reconnect with the most important person your life

Social Goals
Goal- Have dinner with another couple once a month
Benefit- Maintain old relationships

Financial Goals
Goal- To earn $XXXX a month
(In debt? Here is your surefire way to stay in debt- focus on getting out of debt. Trust me, I was once $87,000 in credit card debt. I didn't get out until I created a goals program that was focused on earning a certain income as opposed to "just getting out of debt." I'll be happy to teach you this in our Goals workshop in January.)
Benefit- Can contribute to society more, provide for family, travel


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo