Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to Set Goals

I have never had to shield myself from so much snow fall. My body was completely covered. I was hoping to be through it before my jacket and gear become no match for this massive snow dump. Every step literally piled another half inch on my shoulders. My hat, normally blue, was completely white.

My cheeks were freezing, but fortunately, frost bite was not imminent. Instead the snow that landed on the mere inch of exposed face, melted and ran down into my collar. The visibility was literally only 2 feet in front of me. I didn’t have that far to go, but unfortunately, I didn’t know which direction to go. It was time to give up.

I have talked about this dang snow blower before! I trudged on, stupidly, with the spout on the blower pointed straight up. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I knew that I could point the spout on the blower right or left… I just forgot that it had an elbow on it that allowed the snow storm to shoot towards the ground or in the air. I apparently chose the air while my family watched me and my self inflicted blizzard attempt to clear the driveway.

Believe it or not, there is a moral to this story. Right now, millions of people are setting goals for themselves. Millions of people are also saying, “I don’t set goals at the first of the year, I set them year round.” Most of those people are full of bologna, but that’s beside the point. Because I am a huge goal setter, I just happen to be thinking about everything and anything metaphorically to goal setting.

I had a goal to remove the snow from the driveway. I had an action plan on how I was going to do it. I had a timeline in which I was going to achieve my goal. I did NOT identify all the obstacles that would hinder my process. Seriously, ice in the driveway was my only obstacle.

“Okay, whatever! What’s the point Duncan?”

The point is this, very few people understand how to systematically create goals. The snow in the driveway just got me thinking about this process. Everyone can dream. Which by the way is step 1 in the goal setting process, but few know steps 2, 3, 4 and so on. Goals have plans, or as I like to call them, blueprints for success.

Take for instance, the Boise State Broncos. The Broncos did not make it to two Fiesta Bowls in 3 years because of several guys that can run 57 mph, jump 9 feet in the air, and make one handed catches while stretched out like Inspector Gadget. They have a beautifully constructed plan that encompasses marketing to high school all stars on ESPN, a stellar strength and conditioning plan, a regimented practice curriculum that builds discipline, confidence, and teamwork, and the list goes on.

A few goals that many people have every year is to:
1. Quit smoking
2. Become more organized
3. Become lean & fit

I definitely cannot help with #1, and can help with #2, but don’t want to because I would be bored. I can absolutely help with #3, and would love every minute of it, including the entire time it takes you to achieve that goal.

This blog post is not meant to be a promotion for our Ultimate Body Challenge, but if you have been searching for a proven, systemized goal setting process that will help you achieve this goal, then perhaps it’s a small promotion for you.

Right now is the time to think about your dreams for 2010. Put those dreams onto paper with a plan, and you’ve got yourself a goal. Many people know that I used to be a representative for Zig Ziglar and would put on workshops that taught people how to do this.

Here is a quick and dirty goal setting process. Use this format for every single one of your goals.

Step 1

Consider some things you are truly passionate about. Then write them down.

Step 2

Consider some important questions before you settle on your goals.
Will this goal improve your relationship with your children?
Will this goal improve your relationship with your spouse?
Will this goal improve your life longevity?
Will this goal impact colleagues, friends, and family members in a positive way?
Will achieving your goal be at the expense of someone else?
Is your goal simply frivolous or materialistic?
Is your goal ethical?

Step 3

Decide if your goal is SMART.

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Realistic
T- Time Sensitive

Step 4

Did your goal get through steps 2 and 3? Then, proceed into step 4 by completing the goal setting worksheet.

[Place your goal here]

[Spend time thinking about a realistic time line to accomplish this goal. If your goal is large, then create milestones with dates on those as well.]

[List as many benefits as possible. Ask other people what they think would be a benefit as well. When you think you are finished, spend more time and come up with a few more benefits. Continue that process until you can no longer think of another single benefit. This is a crucial part of the process that empowers you mentally and builds enthusiasm for your success. Skipping this step is like getting in your car with only a quarter tank of gas before you go on a trip.]

[List all of the items that will hinder your process. Know what you are going to have to face. Once you’ve identified the hurdles, will you then be able to create the means to leap over them. The obstacles you list will contribute to your action steps below.]

Who’s Involved:
[List any individuals, organizations, etc. that will play a roll in the success of your goal. You may benefit by having some of these key individuals know what your goal is. They will either help hold you accountable or can help with your process.]

Action Steps:
[Skipping this step is like taking a trip in your car without a map. Wait! I mean without a GPS navigation system. List every single step that is required in achieving your goal. Think of this process as steps in an assembly manual for your daughter’s 3 Story Barbie Dream Doll House, or your son’s 1120 Piece Star Wars Lego Attack Cruiser. Each step is very concise.

This is not only a mental exercise for you to know your steps, but also a means for you to quickly take action everyday you’re working on your goal. If your action steps are vague, you will most likely skip over it, ignore it, or flat out won’t remember the details, thus resulting in the whole process coming to a screeching halt.

Take your action steps and place them in your planner, your PDA, or a calendar.]


Witness Signature

Now, take this goal setting worksheet and place it somewhere that you can see it every single day.

If you found this goal setting blog post helpful, share the wealth. Pass it onto a friend and vow to hold each other accountable in attaining your goals. I would say that for every person you pass this onto, you’ll lose 1 pound, but that simply won’t happen. Not because it’s not true, but because you haven’t even gone through the goal setting process to lose weight:).


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587
Get a New Physique in 2010- The Ultimate Body Challenge

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Extra Layers Keeping Your Midsection Warm? Ultimate Body Challenge Starts January 6

Are you a little too warm this winter? What I mean is, do you have a few extra layers around the midsection?

Hey… don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying the holidays too! In fact, I mentioned to everyone in our Thai-Robics class that I feel like I am sweating pecan pie. Here is the difference between me and most people, though. I live a life by the Ultimate Body Challenge philosophy. I enjoy the holiday stuffing, gravy, eggnog, and Mexican wedding cakes.

Seriously, if you live by the UBC philosophy, this holiday binge doesn’t affect you. Okay, it’s a moot point, because we’re going to start the UBC after the holidays anyway. I won’t lie, we start this program right after the New Year because we want to be in alignment with people’s goals. And, it is truly exciting when we help people reach them.

Let me take a shot in the dark what your goals may be-

Lose XX lbs by spring or summer
Get that six pack of abs back you once had
Make it so your thighs don’t touch
To be able to stick with a sound nutritional plan that will get you result
To be motivated to move, be active, and live life
To have your spouse or significant other say, “DANG… you are looking good!”
For you to be able to look in the mirror and say, “DANG… you are looking good!”
Want a program that will take your fitness conditioning to the next level

Okay, okay, maybe it’s not a shot in the dark. The truth is, we’ve been doing this program since 2003 so we know what your goals are. We know how to get you there. If you let us, we will literally hold your hand all the way to your goal.

The Ultimate Body Challenge is just around the corner! Go to to learn more and to get on our waiting list. Time is running out… “like sands through the hourglass… (Cheesy, I know) …so are the days of our lives.”

I’ll meet you at our website in 10 seconds-


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Weight Training vs. Cross Training Programs such as Ultimate Body Challenge

The other day, I read a comment on a YouTube exercise video, “Seriously, weight lifting is so 80’s.” The comment made me chuckle. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know. I picture leg warmers, headbands and aerobics when I think of 80’s fitness.

Anyhow, I know the point this person was trying to make. She were arguing that a cross training program is ultimately the best sort of conditioning. The gentleman was arguing that cross training programs are too strenuous. It went on and on.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to lift weights in a gym to compare my strength to how it was when I trained in a gym all the time to now. Aside from being ABSOLUTELY bored out of my mind, I realized several things by this experience-

1. Weight lifting is very linear and heavily isolates specific muscles. No, that’s not what I realized. What I realized was that when I crash skiing moguls this winter, which I love to do (ski moguls that is, not crashing), linear, isolating movements will do nothing for me.

Traditional weight training will help me very little since I do NOT crash in a very nice linear fashion. When I crash, my body is in a contorted, upside down, ski behind my head sort of fashion.

The training that helps me the most when I ski are cross training programs.

2. Did I mention that weight training was absolutely boring compared to a high energy cross training program? I couldn’t wait to get done so I could go back to our academy and do one of our routines.

3. I couldn’t handle how depressed half the people looked. One half gazed at their muscles in the mirror, and the other half just gazed in the mirror for 3 to 4 minutes between sets.

So, was I stronger? The answer is no. Was I weaker? The answer is no again! Although I didn’t increase my strength, I increased tons of other things. I used to leave the gym pretty wiped after my workouts. I did the same exact workout, with the same exact weight I used to lift, and had plenty of energy to head to our academy and do a serious cross training workout.

Somebody reading this may ask, “Then, what did I really improve besides endurance?” It’s a good question, because it’s not an apples to apples comparison, so I will just tell you.

I used to injury myself quite a bit playing soccer in high school (hamstring pulls, groin pulls, sprained ankles, etc.) Even as a competitive martial artist, when I was younger, I was always doing something funky to my lower back. And, I did extensive weight training, even under the direction of trainers.

About 5 years ago, we adopted a new training program in our facility that challenged students in completely unorthodoxed ways. Competitive soccer puts people at risk for injury because you don’t strengthen yourself for when someone takes out your legs when you’re in a feel on sprint.
For the past few years I had been playing competitive soccer again on a men’s city league. The ONLY injuries I was ever dealing with were bumps and bruises. Never pulling a muscle, twisting a knee or an ankle. Believe me, several guys on my team and other teams were fighting chronic ailments that were being blamed on “age.”

Teaching these programs and doing them on my own have tremendously improved my endurance, core strength, flexibility, and agility. I have never been out of shape, but I can tell you this… at 35 years old, I have more energy and stamina than I did as a competitive Taekwondo athlete in my early 20’s.

That’s what this type of training has done for me. Now, what it’s done for others is very, very similar, except it’s burned fat off our students bodies like crazy. Students lose, on average, 7% bodyfat in a 10 week period of time. That’s amazing, because they do it by following an athletes diet, not some sort of fad diet for birds.

What are these programs I am speaking about?

The Ultimate Body Shaping Challenge! To learn more about this particular program, visit the following link.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587