Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why do they call them Southpaws?

A student asked me this morning why a boxer with their right foot forward is called a "Southpaw." You'll be surprised to know that the word southpaw never originated from boxing. In fact, it's a baseball term.

In the United States, baseball fields are typically designed so that the batter is facing east, so that the evening sun is not in his eyes. The Hawkes stadium in Boise, Idaho is actually facing northeast. Nonetheless, the batters eyes are always facing away from the sun.

Most pitchers are right handed, subsequently making the right arm on the north side. So, it was coined many years ago, that a left handed pitcher is a southpaw. The person that coined the name was Chicago based author- Finley Peter Dunne.


Duncan Richardson

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fighters Glossary to a Better Business

About a year and a half ago, I was the speaker at a YPO (Young President's Organization). Just the other day, the person who invited me to speak had asked me if I still had the Fighters Glossary to a Better Business that I put together for everyone.

It took a little bit to find it since it had to be extracted off my dead laptop. I opened it up to re-read it, and actually enjoyed it. Then I started thinking... Something like this should be shared with everyone. Although, it's impact is less without the speech that went with it, I still think some will find it fun and somewhat useful. Enjoy!

Fighters Glossary to a Better Business, Family, and Personal Life

  • bare-knuckle(d) –Rolling up your sleeves, getting serious, and making things happen, and happen now!
  • beat (someone) to the punch –To be assertive make the first decisive move.
  • blow-by-blow –Keeping good records and stats of your success.
  • come out fighting or come out swinging –The spirit of a champion CEO or entrepreneur who will never back down.
  • down and out –Lacking money or prospects; penniless or destitute. A term used to describe the competition.
  • down for the count; out for the count - To be defeated. Again, a term that is used to describe the other guy.
  • glass jaw –Being vulnerable to life’s setbacks.
  • go the distance –Carrying out your goals to full completion despite all setbacks and trials one might face.
  • have someone in your corner –To have the support or help of someone that you can turn to such as a mentor, a spouse, or an organization.
  • heavy hitter –You!
  • heavyweight –A person or organization of great importance or influence.
  • hit below the belt –A down economy or recession.
  • K.O. –Another turn to refer to competitors. You can never have too many.
  • lead with one's chin –Moving forward with decisions without protecting yourself.
  • low blow –A recession or down economy.
  • on the ropes –A temporary setback in business or life.
  • pull one's punches –To be gentle or lenient.
  • punch-drunk –Your state of mind after putting in an 80 hour work week.
  • roll with the punches –A time when you or your business is hit unexpectantly and you take things in stride.
  • round –A work day.
  • saved by the bell –Everyday, when you go home to recuperate and prepare for the next round.
  • Your browser may not support display of this image. sparring partner –Colleagues.
  • throw in the towel –Quitting. A term we’re not too familiar with.

Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Does King Solomon & The Ultimate Body Challenge Have in Common?

A couple days ago, I was at the Library. Since the main Library is closed on Sunday’s until after Labor Day, I was at the Hillcrest location. I have never been there, but liked the cozy feel. Unlike the main location with the kids stuff on the first floor, and adult stuff on the second floor, it gave it more of a Barnes & Noble feel, which is right up my alley.

Normally, I’m reading self help books on business, leadership, teamwork, entrepreneurship, marketing, fitness, and martial arts. Today was different! I went there and took the kids, to specifically find a fiction book. I feel it’s important to read fiction once in a while, especially if you’re always going 90 mph in the right hand lane (metaphorically speaking of course).

Since the selection was not nearly that of Barnes & Noble, I found myself picking up books that I had always skipped over. One book that has stared at me for years, but I had always looked past it, probably because of the title, was The Richest Man Who Ever Lived. To my surprise, this book spoke to me in the first few pages in a way that I could respect the author and be intrigued by the history of King Solomon.

I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t know who King Solomon was. Fortunately, I was at the library and could read up on this interesting person who took the thrown at the age of 12. Anyhow, long story short… the message that struck a chord with me was a statement in the book about everyone having all the qualities for success except diligence.

The author continues to explain that it is not human nature to be diligent. It’s human nature to “take the path of least resistance.” Are you familiar with a book called The Secret? The book sold millions upon millions just before the recession. The whole premise of the book is that you can have abundance, and all you have to do is think hard enough about it, and it will manifest itself.

The author of The Secret also tells you specifically to not create a plan for success, because your planning will just get in the way of the universe. I sometimes joke to people that the reason why we went into a recession is because everyone stopped working and began dreaming because they read The Secret. Get this… the author also tells you that you can eat anything you want... simply realign your thoughts and you will become lean and fit.

And, yes… that is my lead in to talk about the Ultimate Body Challenge (UBC). I too believe that we struggle to be diligent. Having the Ultimate Body is a “Challenge.” In fact, having HALF an Ultimate Body is a challenge. We are not afraid to tell people that our program is not for sissy’s [smile]. If you’re out of shape and fed up with how you look and ready to do something about it, our program may be what you’re looking for.

We enjoy training one type of person- someone that is driven. Or, as the author of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived says, “diligent.” It doesn’t matter if you’re in shape, out of shape, or somewhere in between, it’s the driven people that we are focused on and committed to.

The Ultimate Body Challenge is a killer program that works you out in an exciting manner, and gives you the nutritional skills to shed the unwanted fat, and reveal the sculpted muscle underneath. Here's the caveat... It requires diligence. Unfortunately, there are many pills, workout devices, and even workout programs that feed on the weakness of human nature- the need for an easy way there (path of least resistance). Unfortunately, millions of people are left discouraged because of clever marketing and a program weak in principle.

If you go the entire 10 weeks in our program, and didn't see any improvement, we will refund 100% of your investment. Even if you go 10 weeks and completely blow the nutritional aspect, our guarantee still stands. Granted, you'll see better results with the nutrition. We are that confident in the success rate of just the exercise portion alone!

To get started, you'll need to know a few things:

1. We need to know if you're serious, right away. If you doddle, we may not have a spot for you.

2. The program begins Sept. 13th at 6 pm, at our Boise location- 2475 Apple St. Suite 104 Boise, ID 83706

3. The program is $299, and that includes your manual, boxing gloves, jump rope, nutritional coaching for 10 weeks and 3 body compositions.

4. Call us today at 381-0587, and ask for Kendal, to reserve your spot. While you've got Kendal on the phone, ask her how the UBC changed her life.

See you soon!


Duncan Richardson

Chief Master Instructor

The Academy of World Taekwondo

Ph: 208.381.0587

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Camping with 4 Kids

"Are you doing that?"
I can't remember the last time I've seen Rachel give such a nervous look. And, a well warranted nervous look. You see, we were being pushed down a muddy hill by a 7,000 pound camping trailer full of atv's, with all 8 wheels locked up and caked with mud and clay. The view ahead was absolutely stunning. It's the turn and drop off that was about 40 yards away that made us nervous.

We were on our way to Lake Owyhee. The bad part was that we took a wrong turn. In fact, several wrong turns, thanks to the Google map that was linked directly to the campsite. Rachel and I used to ALWAYS have an Atlas in the car, especially when travelling. For the past several years, it sat there doing nothing since we have GPS navigation on our phones and step by step directions from Mapquest is so easy to come by. Well, GPS navigation, on your phone, doesn't work so hot when you're out of range. And god forbid Google maps to be wrong! Not just a wrong turn here and there, which they are notorious for, but full on... 100 miles out of the way wrong.

We knew something wasn't right when we entered a dirt road. What the heck, right? We trekked on and on, and on. Probably 20 miles on this dirt road with not a soul to be found. We discovered later, that during thunder storms, you take cover in these parts. The roads get so muddy and slippery that it's impossible to drive. We found out.

It was about 8 pm when we finally maneuvered through some pretty hairy turns and slopes going about 3 miles per hour in 4 wheel low. Then, we found ourselves at the bottom of a hill and
Rachel and I just looked at each other. I said, "There is no way we will get up that hill." We were nervous that we were going to have to park right in the middle of the road and camp until morning.

We decided that I would pull an atv out and ride ahead to see just how far away we were from any civilization. I ended up riding for about 3 or 4 miles and discovered a beautiful campsite called Succor Creek. We thought it was a joke from for us falling for their bogus directions [Sucker Creek].

There were only 3 groups on the campsite, and spoke to one gentleman who seemed to know the area pretty well and the issues with the road during heavy rainstorms. His suggestion was to leave the atvs on the road to lighten our load, and he would go back with me to help grab them. That's the plan!

I made it back to the trailer and suburban on a mission.

"Rachel, get the kids in their long sleeves and pants. You get ready also, because you, Reese, and
Isaac are each riding an atv back."


"And, there is no time to discuss because we only have 30 minutes of daylight to make this work!"

Please understand, I have to take advantage of these "Hollywood" moments of distress since I don't get to experience them often. On the other hand, it was true. We did need to move, and move fast.

Reese rode one atv. Isaac rode a motorcycle. And, Rachel rode the other atv. I thought, if we could not only get the load of the atv's out of the trailer, but also 3 bodies out of the car and a dog, we would have a much better chance of getting up this hill.

Some people say that we are crazy going camping with 4 kids- 7 yrs, 5 yrs, 2 1/2 yrs, and 9 months. I would agree. But... I also know that these moments we experience together as a family are down right priceless.

The photo below is of two of my little troopers, the dog, and Rachel leading the charge up the hill. The last bit of the sun broke through the clouds before it dropped behind the mountain and left a magnificent view that my phone did no justice for. The teamwork that went into this effort will leave a lasting memory for me and my family.

We ended up staying only one night at Succor Creek, even though it was absolutely gorgeous there. We had some irritation knowing that we paid for a trailer site in Lake Owyhee and dog gone it, we're going to use it. So, we hit the road on a beautiful Saturday. As it turns out, everyone else hit the road to come to Succor Creek Saturday, too. See... people in these parts know that you come to Succor Creek only when the road is dry!

The rest of the trip was a ball. This is a perfect shot of Rachel wondering something... not sure what. Perhaps it had something to do with us being stuck at the dump site with the sani-hose stuck (cross threaded) to the trailer.

There is a company called Lucky Bums. Check them out- They have a saying, "Grow outside and play." I love it because it has a couple of meanings. One meaning that I take from it is that you grow in many ways when you play. When you play together as a family, you grow as a father, or a mother, and a team player. Your children grow closer together and to you as parents. You grow as a family.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

90 MPH in the Right Hand Lane

Just last night, I'm literally walking up the stairs to head to bed when I decided that I truly dislike sleep. It's not the first time I've thought of this, but it was the first time I really agreed with it, and discovered why.

Quite frankly, I love so much of what goes on in my life that I want to experience every minute of it. We only have 24 hours in a day. Within that 24 hours, we must love our spouse, love our kids, love ourselves for that matter. We must also work, we must eat, we must exercise, we must socialize, we must learn, and we must teach. Really, there is not a lot of time to do all those things.

In fact, even with 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night, I wish I could commit more time to those things I really enjoy above. I know... we all do! If there is one thing I've learned in life, and I've learned it recently, it's to live in the present. I was told recently that I live my life going 90 mph in the right hand lane. Although, I have managed to master the art of squeezing as much out of my day as possible, I may not have always been present due to the fact that I'm already focused on achieving my next task or goal.

I really enjoy talking about goal setting, self discipline, and focus. These are traits that are huge in martial arts. Well, they are traits that should be huge if you have an instructor that lives by them. I enjoy teaching students about these things because I understand these traits and I'm good at implementing them.

What's equally important as having good goal setting skills, self discipline, and focus is having the ability to enjoy your journey through the process. A goal is purposeless, if there was no journey. I know with 100% certainty, someone who puts in hundreds of hours to achieve a Black Belt will appreciate me tying their belt around their waist more than someone we promotes straight from white belt. It's the journey from white to red belt that was rewarding.

I still will only sleep 5 to 6 hours a night. I still plan on being goal oriented, disciplined, and focused. As a master level martial arts instructor, I may be a little late in learning to enjoy the journey, but at least I'm still alive.


Master Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm Starting a New Business

The other day, I asked our Thai-Robics class if they are ready for spring and summer and if they have gotten their lawnmower blades sharpened. The response from one student was, "Why? Are you starting a new business on the side."
Later that day, I thought to myself, "Well... maybe I will start a business on the side." Of course, starting a business on the side will definately have some parameters. I only want to be in business for 1 hour, and I want all of the gross revenues to benefit a small non-profit organization, preferably one that is trying to get started.
So... the day I will be opened for business will be tomorrow (Saturday, April 24), from 10 am until 11 am. I will be sharpening lawn mowing blades for donations. Please, don't bring any other items you would like sharpened, such as your $500 Hinkle knife set, because I will significantly decrease the resale value for you. If you have no clue on how to remove your lawnmower blade, just bring in the whole mower.
The organization we will be donating the funds to will be Destitute Duffel. They are an organization trying to provide hope and shelter for homeless people. They do have a website, but you will be able to learn more about them through their Facebook fan page!/DestituteDuffel.
See you Saturday!
Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587

Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Things to help get that summer body

Somebody once asked me a peculiar question, “What is the single most effective thing I could do to lose weight?” Have you ever made too many keystrokes at one time on an old computer? Yeah… I have too! It freezes up, right? Oh wait. Do you have a Mac? I guess Mac users don’t know what I’m talking about here.

Anyhow, I hate that question. To me, it’s like asking, “What is the single most important thing I can do for my child?” Or, “What is the single most important thing I can do for my spouse.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t look at my conditioning this way. I don’t raise my kids this way, and I don’t take this approach with my spouse.

Of course, there are things that are more important and will have a more profound affect, but nothing by itself is enough to be done alone… not with kids, and not with your spouse either.

So, after I was able to reboot my brain from that question, I was able to generate an answer. I said, “Nothing.” He gave me that same look when your dog hears an interesting new sound and cocks his head sideways, with ears perked. I continued, “You’re better off just utilizing that time for something else, such as checking more email or just working a little later, BECAUSE… unless you’re fully committed to changing your lifestyle, you will be unsuccessful.”

The next few moments reminded me of an old Clint Eastwood movie where Clint and the villain are staring eye to eye. I seriously thought, the gentleman that just walked through the door for information regarding his kids and martial arts, was about to do an about-face and walk out the door. He wasn’t even there for information on himself! Instead, he signed up for 20 private training sessions, and he and his wife were great clients for the next 3 years.

Without risking you saying to me right now, “Are you feeling lucky… PUNK?” (Clint Eastwood line) I will list several things you can do over the course of the next 3 months to drop fat and inches.

1. Follow the 80/20 rule with activity throughout the day. Be moving for 80% of your day, and either sitting or relaxing for 20%. You desk job folks… sit on an exercise ball. It will work your core and improve your posture while a chair actually allows you to literally decompose* into the fabric (*not really, but close). I guarantee, if you have been struggling with fat loss, you can find a direct correlation to your activity level.

2. Eat often! In fact, make it 5 or even 6 times per day. The more often you eat, the more you program your system to understand that food is in abundance, therefore kicking your metabolism into high gear.

3. Eat your palm. Well, not really your palm, but actually a palm sized portion. Yes, you ought to eat 5 or even 6 times per day, but your meals should be really small. We’re talking palm sized. Now, you have two palms. This means, one palm contains your protein, and the other palm contains your carbs. New to all this? Proteins are found in- fish, chicken, pork, beef, etc. Carbs are found in- fruits, vegetables, breads, grain, pasta, etc. One important note on carbs- don’t slip up and over eat them if you opt for breads and pasta. If you want the best improvement, stick with vegetables and limit your breads and pasta.

4. Drink, a lot! I’m not talking beer or wine, either. I mean water! Take your weight, and then call it ounces. Then, divide that number by 2. That is how many ounces you should drink throughout the day. In other words, if you weigh 150, then you would drink 75 ounces of water a day.

5. Pursue your goals with like minded individuals. Successful business people attend meetings with other business people. Alcoholics trying to recover, join AA. My point is, when everyone has similar goals, the group tends to be more successful. For our students, we have The Ultimate Body Challenge-

This is not an exhaustive list. In fact, it’s the tip of the iceburg. On the other hand, it’s five items that would make a considerable impact on your life.

If you have any questions about some of the things you could be doing to reach your fitness goals, send me an email or call me at 208.381.0587.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jens Pulver: Driven

One of our students, Jason Appelman, has been working on a film project. He is a film writer, amongst other types of writing. He wrote and starred in the movie you may have seen this past fall at the Egyptian- Person of Interest.

Now Jason and his partner, Gregory Bayne, are working on a new and exciting documentary about a well known mixed martial artist. If you've followed the Ulimate Fighting Challenge, then you definately know who he is. The exciting part is that he lives here in Idaho.

I am going to turn it over to Jason & Gregory and allow them to have a few words...

My Dear Friends,

I am writing you as I am in the final hours of a campaign to raise funds for my feature documentary film, DRIVEN, at Since launching it just 17 days ago I have raised (at this moment) $17,350 from 279 gracious backers, including a 12 year old who contributed his allowance because of how much he loves the subject of my film, Jens Pulver.

Jens, for those of you that don't know, is a former 3 time world champion in the UFC, and a true legend in the sport. He was raised in the worst of situations with an incredibly abusive father who, when Jens was just 7 years old, decided he didn't want to have children anymore and lined up Jens, and his siblings in front of the fireplace holding a shotgun in Jens's mouth until he finally decided that they weren't, "worth the bullets." From that tragedy, saved by a drive forged through athletics, Jens escaped the demons of his childhood to become on of the most beloved fighters in the world of mixed martial arts.

I believe whole heartedly in this film, and in Jens, who is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met in my entire life. He reflects the fight in us all, and reminds us that no matter what our circumstance, if we hold onto, and pursue our dreams, we can accomplish anything.
My total goal on Kickstarter to make this film is $25,000. If I don't reach it by Monday at 3pm, all the pledges are cancelled, and I don't receive the funding. I sincerely thank those of you whom have contributed already, if you have not, I humbly ask that you take a look at my campaign, and if you can, please contribute. (there are rewards for doing so)

I understand that not everyone can contribute financially, I know times are tough on us all. If you wouldn't mind, I would appreciate you simply passing this on.
I can say, in all seriousness, this is the most important project I have ever worked on, and a story that I believe must be told. I think Jens has stated it best:

"To me, if this film can reach just one kid, who is living through abuse, and it can open his or her eyes to the fact that there is more to this life, prompting them to put on some wrestling shoes, or pick up a football, or basketball, or to write a song, or paint a picture, whatever it is that is their thing...if it can help them recognize that their dreams are worthwhile, should be held onto, and with perseverance, dedication, and hard work, can absolutely be achieved, well, that's what it's all about."

I share this sentiment, and this hope for the film. I would be deeply grateful if you would join in, and help make this happen.

With Warm Regards,

Gregory Bayne

Here is the link:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Can't afford the Ultimate Body Challenge? No problem...

I have been getting a ton of emails from people expressing their interest in doing the UBC, but have one major conflict- DINERO (money). Believe me, I understand this conflict. Years ago, we used to require payment up front, but since the economy took a left handed turn and seems to be having a hard time finding it's way back, we've added some relief to students who really, really want to do the UBC.

So, if you really, really want to do the UBC, we will allow you to make payments on the UBC. Just send me an email, stating why you really want to do the UBC, and we'll work up a doable payment plan for you.

Secondly, we've found that people don't mind investing in something if they know 100% that they will receive a return. It's called an ROI (return on investment). If you had invested money in Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (KKD) 3 years ago, you would realize an ROI of -500% today. Not a wise investment. You cannot call Krispy Kreme to ask for your money back either.

What I'm trying to say is, students don't mind paying if they're going to improve their body. If we don't improve your body, we will refund your tuition 100%. AND... not only will we refund your tuition, we will double the refund amount. That's a 100% ROI if we don't improve your body. Now that's being a savvy investor.

Hurry, because the UBC starts January 6th. Go to for more info.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587