Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Changing Your Perspective

Last week, me and the whole family went to a "well" visit for Zoey. The doctor's office is on the 4th floor. Rachel hung back to take care of the paperwork, so I decided to take the kids to get loaded up in the car. As we were entering the elevator, my 3 year old daughter asks, "What about mommy?" While we were riding the elevator down, I said, "She'll be okay. She'll catch up."

After exiting the elevator and walking to the car, my daughter asked the same exact question. Now, I'm thinking that she might be nervous that we are leaving her behind. I'll soon find out, she was horribly nervous.

So, I asked Reese, "Are you worried about mommy?"

"Well... what about when she goes into the elevator?"

Confused about what is troubling her, I say, "Then, she'll meet us at the car when she gets out of the elevator."

"But, when she goes into the elevator, the room will change..."

Ah hah!!! I wanted to snatch up little Reese and give her a big hug at that moment, but I had a carrier in one hand and we were crossing the street. Imagine having a 3 year olds mind and truly believing that the elevator is some sort of portal that when the door shuts and reopens, the room is actually different, then being nervous that mommy would be trapped in another realm.

Needless to say, I did change Reese's perspective on how an elevator works and that it's just a ride that carries people up and down a building.

Of course, there is a lesson in all of this. For me it was one lesson compounded by another. Did you imagine what Reese was thinking? You walk in a small closet, the door closes then reopens, and ta da..! A new room appears. What if life were this easy? Not for the shear ability to travel from point A to point B, but to literally change our perspective on life.

There are so many negative things going on right now with the government bail outs, the unemployment rates, the housing market, Angelina Jolie & Jennifer Aniston, etc. If only we could change the circumstances with an elevator.

What if we could change things? I believe we can. I believe we can change our perspective on life. Take this for example... what would happen if you and your spouse lost your job? I'm going to come back to this question.

Recently, Rachel and I, and the whole family, met up with a long time friend and her daughter. We met at Ihop, for National Pancake Day. I tell you, it's like Christmas when the kiddos hear we're going for free pancakes!

That day, I learned another amazing life lesson. A lesson that came at the ultimate expense. Our friends husband is an engineer at Micron, and they used to wonder what the heck they would do should he ever get laid off. If you ask either one of them today, they would say, "Oh well, it's not the worst that has happened to us."

Her outlook on the future is positive. A few months back, our friend lost their baby boy to an unknown cause. I couldn't ever imagine losing a child. From where our friend stands now, her perspective is completely different.

So let me ask again, "What would happen if you and your spouse lost your job?" Could it be any worse than losing a child? Not in a million years! I try and live by certain principles. Principle that our found in our Taekwondo- Black Belt Creed. Modesty, Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control, and Indomitable Spirit. I am always moved when someone displays more of these principles than I ever have. Our friend, not only taught me a lesson about changing our perspective, but also taught me just how far Perseverance and Indomitable Spirit can be taken.

The economy can be in the tanks, people can be losing their jobs, but there is one thing that can never be taken from us and that's our perseverance and indomitable spirit. Now, just change your perspective... that's up to you.


Duncan Richardson

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