Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Secret to Goal Setting

Over the past year, I've had many people ask me about The Secret. I've considered making a blog post about it earlier, but decided against it because it seemed that enough people were already talking about it. Well, right now, in our Taekwondo program, we will be discussing Goal Setting and Self Discipline. So, I thought, what the hay. Let's discuss it briefly, but more importantly I'd rather utilize the internet bandwidth more profoundly by talking about something with more substance.

First, the whole premise to The Secret is the law of attraction. If you believe in something passionately enough, you will achieve it or aqcuire it. The first thing we must understand is that The Secret is not some uncovered mystical magic ingredient we've all been searching for. In fact, there are a whole slew of authors that have been preaching this stuff for years, ie. Zig Ziglar, Harv T. Ecker, and Brian Tracy. Even further back, you'll find authors such as Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale and Napoleon Hill talking about these very same concepts.

Then you have 90% of all athletes who have used the concept of law of attraction for decades. Quite honestly, I am not a fan of The Secret, but I am a fan of all the authors I mentioned above and here is why. The Secret basically says, do no planning in achieving your goals, just think passionately enough and you'll get there or acquire it. In fact, The Secret says you just need to picture your perfect body and you can eat anything you want. Hmmm... Check this out for real results on the perfect body-

In my opinion, The Secret did so well because it seemed be the missing ingredient in many peoples lives. To add to that, the book or dvd appealed to even more people because you don't have to work for it, but rather think passionately about it and hope that you manifest whatever it is you want. There is one major, major difference between the book/dvd of The Secret and all the time tested classics of the legendary authors and it is this- You Need a Plan!

You don't make it to the Olympics in Taekwondo because you just dreamed about it. Michael Phelps isn't the great swimmer he is because he just hoped. The self made millionaires of the world didn't just think about it. The dad that is involved in his childs development didn't just wish he had more time with his kids. The child that stands up to a bully didn't just pray he would go unnoticed at school. All these people got off their rear end and did something. They formulated a plan and went through with it.

Here is my secret- if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Okay, enough about secrets. Let's chat about what makes people successful. When I say successful, I don't mean acquiring wealth. I mean accomplishing any goal you or any student might have. I believe 100%, if you teach your child how to accomplish goals now, they're going to be tackling monsterous things as an adult. But... here is the caveat. Goals start from mom and dad.

Suprisingly, I find many people that are content right where they are in life. As a former speaker, I also learned that people actually feared success. I've always heard about it, but never realized that I would meet people who were afraid to venture out and achieve something great.

Passenger airplanes fly 30,000 feet above the ground at 500 mph. When they land, they have all the weight that stresses the wheels, the gears, and the frame of the airplane. The airplanes have large maintenance costs because of the stress it receives from flying. There are literally hundreds of things that could go wrong with that plane while it is flying. All in all, it's dangerous for a plane to fly. Now, aeronautical engineers will tell you that it is significantly more dangerous for the plane to just sit on the runway. The static weight of the plane, and the rust that will form by sitting stagnant on the runway will ultimately wear out the plane faster than the one that ventures the skies.

It's dangerous for a ship to cross the ocean. It might not come back. It's more dangerous for the ship to ride an anchor in the harbor collecting barnacles.

It's dangerous for a farmer to plant crops. There might be a drought, there might be a flood. I think we all agree that it's more dangerous for the farmer to NOT plant the crops.

It's dangerous to set goals... we might not succeed. It might take too much effort. It might take too much time. Years ago, somebody said it would probably take him 5 years to get a Black Belt, and that he would be almost 50. I responded with, " old would you be in 5 years if you didn't go for your Black Belt?"

I encourage all parents and students to really take to heart the Goal Setting and Self Discipline homework assignments we will be distributing soon in the academy. I am going to be keeping my eyes peeled for some exciting goals out there. I am also excited to see the goals that our instructors will be setting for themselves.

I'd love to hear your comments on goal setting.


Duncan Richardson
Chief Master Instructor
The Academy of World Taekwondo
Martial Art Lessons in Boise & Eagle

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