Tuesday, April 21, 2009

B.E.A.T. Down Defense

B.E.A.T. Down Defense

It's early in the morning...

You stop at the grocery store to pick up treats for a Birthday party later that day.

Suddenly, the painful groan of a man laying beside his car calls your attention. He appears handicap as he lay helplessly trying to reach his cane which is under the car.

You look around, and see there is nobody to help. You make the decision to help the man as he painfully reaches for his cane. You help.***

Ted Bundy was convicted of murdering over 30 women, and later confessed to over 100 moments before he was executed. Playing the role of a handicap man was one of Ted Bundy's many roles to lure women.

There are many stories like this in history that bring frustration to me. It frustrates me that these people
exist in our society. It frustrates me when a woman is attacked by a man like this, and they don't always
have the skills to give them a B.E.A.T. Down Defense.

B- Beware. The first rule of self defense is to always be aware of your surroundings. Never take anything for granted, and approach unusual situations with caution.

E- Empowered. It's time to become empowered and know that you are strong and that you can possess the knowledge to take somebody down twice your size. The moment you realize this, is the moment an assailant chooses not to mess with you.

A- Attack. If the moment comes that you must fight for your life, then you will not just defend yourself, but you will attack with a storm of thunderous punches, kicks, and elbow strikes. Getting attacked by a swarm of killer bees would be more favored by your assailant.

T- Take off! When your first opportunity arises to get away, you will take it! Whether you are winning or losing the battle, your goal is to break free and get to safety in order to win the war.

The Academy of World Taekwondo will be providing a 2 hour B.E.A.T Down Defense workshop to teach women the physical & mental skills of self defense described above.
Here are some FAQ's

Q. What will be covered in the program?

A. Participants will spend a portion of the class learning about:
1. The criminal mind and how they choose their victims
2. How to remove yourself as a potential target for these criminals
3. Simple tips to stay safe while you and your family sleeps
4. How to implement B.E.A.T. (Beware, Empower, Attack, Take Off)
The other portion of the program will teach students:
1. Verbal defense and non-violent techniques for low risk situations
2. Techniques for: Striking, joint submission or breaking, and leveraging someone much larger than you
3. Scenario defense- Pinned Against a Wall, Pinned on the Ground, Attacked in Your Car, Grabbed Unexpectedly

Q. Is this appropriate for all ages?

A. No. This program is specifically designed for adult women and teenagers. Keep in mind, the attacks and motives for criminals vary for men and children targets.

Q. What do I wear?

A. Comfortable clothes (exercise attire). We are going to move around and sweat! B.E.A.T. Down Defense is more than just self defense techniques, it's also about building strength and endurance to dominate any situation from a sleazy, no good- attacker!

You can get more information here: BEAT Down Defense

When: Monday, Apr 27th
Time: 5:45 to 7:45 pm
Cost: $25
Who: Students & Friends of AWT (13 yrs +)
Enrollment Limited to 30

When: Wednesday, Apr 29th
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Cost: $25
Who: Students & Friends of AWT (13 yrs +)
Enrollment Limited to 20

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