Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reconnecting With My First Master

I was so excited the entire way to Taekwondo school. I was going to do my first Taekwondo class with my dad in Longview, Washington. It was 1978.

I remember the day vividly. When we got to the Taekwondo school, I received my dobok (uniform) from Mr. Bettencourt, now Master Bettencourt. His first name is Steve. I went into the cramped changing room with a few other students, giants actually (adults).

I was so embarrased to change in front of them, that I put my uniform on completely over my clothes. I came out with about 5 inches of blue jean material sticking out below my dobok.

I'll admit, I didn't think anyone would notice, but everyone did. It was okay, because nothing was going to hinder this day. I remember my attention being quickly drawn to a group of students huddled in the corner. After I made my way over there, and peering through the legs of the other students, I saw a young gentleman, probably 19 or 20, being rooted on as he cranked out endless fingertip pushups. When he finished, the students applauded him. I asked my dad why he was doing all those pushups and he told me that he was preparing for his Black Belt test. I was hooked!

It was my first exposure, that I can remember, to perseverance. The will and the discipline this gentleman had to get all these pushups done touched me. It was my first Black Belt lesson as a white belt.

Two days ago, I spoke to Master Bettencourt on the phone and we chuckled about that first day in class over 31 years ago. Although it's been 29 years since I've seen Master Bettencourt, he still remembers me, my mom and dad, and two sisters.

I must say, I am really looking forward to this trip!


Master Richardson

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